project details

See what we have done so far!People start planning every second of their lives, using more technology and managing their time rigorously because of changing conditions and lifestyles. We developed our first product of Bilgetech, Fixtable, considering this concept to make people’s life easier.

In a very short time, we were able to engage more than 300 restaurants. Our partner restaurants now left paper-pen form and their reservation process has speeded up. Fixtable users are able to discover new restaurants and make their reservation in a few easy steps. Fixtable has changed the concept of F&B sector service in Turkey.


Technology with human touchFixtable mobile app
Carefully gathered and categorized restaurant lists, able to sort the results by distance, average
price,review score or special discounts which are valuable feautures of Fixtable

It has also some fancy features as checking 360 degrees photos which prevents unpleasant suprises, saving your reservation in passbook and being aware of special discount with today extension feature.
Besides all these extraordinary services for the app users, Fixtable offers reservation management software for its partner restaurants.
The restaurants are able to organize the tables, check occupancy, determine obtainable date and time for reservations. With the admin panel we provide to restaurants, they can manage all reservations not only received from Fixtable but reservations received from other channels such as email and phone.
Everyday Fixtable receives dozens of reservations and so gets more satisfied customers.

featured-item-iconFirst product of Bilgetech
featured-item-iconFixtable is in the Apple Store Lists
featured-item-iconFirst mobile app in the F&B industry that has passbook
featured-item-iconIt offers 360 degree restaurant photos

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